Undelegate (unstake) periods

We have standard unlocking times for tokens from staking, restaking and liquid pools, depending on the network and the token placed.

Submit undelegate request:

To begin the ubdelegate process, you first need to submit a XBANKING undelegate request. To do this:

  1. Connect your wallet on https://app.xbanking.org

  2. Choose token to withdraw, then press ‘Undelegate’.

  3. Approve the allowance by signing the transaction.

Note! The maximum number of days is calculated from the next day after Undelegate is pressed.

Undelegate periods (update 15.05.2024):

⏰ 5 minutes to 5 days:


Ethereum (ETH)

Polkadot (DOT)

Kusama (KSM)

Solana (SOL)

Polygon (MATIC)

Cosmos (ATOM)

The Open Network (TON)

Binance coin (BNB)

Mina Protocol (MINA)

Aptos (APT)

Astar (ASTR)

Arbitrum (ARB)

Avalanche (AVAX)

Flow (FLOW)

Fantom (FTM)

Thorchain (RUNE)

Near (NEAR)

Sui (SUI)

Sei (SEI)

Mantle (MNT)

Celestia (TIA)

Manta Network (MNT)

StarkNet (STRK)

Internet Computer (ICP)

Optimism (OP)

Dymension (DYM)

⏰ other tokens:

5 minutes - 10 days

These terms may vary if: there are network changes, technical failure or platform conditions beyond our control.

Last updated